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Dry Mouth in Kids

What you need to know.


Xerostomia, commonly known as ‘dry mouth,’ is a frequent state of oral dryness. Saliva is your mouth’s natural rinsing agent that helps cleanse oral bacteria from the mouth. This keeps bacteria to a minimum and their ability to cause problems at low risk.

As oral bacteria thrive, reproduce and amass, the initial result is plaque. Plaque is a cluster of this bacteria that forms on your teeth daily, it’s the sticky film you can feel with your tongue and the culprit of bad breath. Aside from smelling bad, plaque causes cavities if not removed with proper brushing and flossing. Bacteria digest the food and drink residues left on your teeth, releasing an acidic byproduct. This acid then slowly dissolves and penetrates through your enamel, causing tooth decay. When saliva flow is depleted, due to dry mouth, plaque ‘hangs around’ in the mouth longer and multiplies rapidly.

The most common causes in children are:

  • Dehydration
  • Mouth-breathing
  • Prescription medication
  • Antihistamines
  • Certain diseases and illnesses
  • Cancer treatment

If your child is experiencing dry mouth for any reason, it’s even more important to keep their mouth clean and hydrated. Be sure to have them drink plenty of water throughout the day. Have them brush twice a day for two minutes each time, as well as a quick brush after meals. Make sure they floss and use a fluoridated mouthwash, such as ACT Rinse.

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