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An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Having sealants applied is quick, easy and pain-free.

A few weeks ago we posted about dental sealants and today we thought we’d go into more detail about them. Sealants prescribe to the old proverb; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It’s an easy and painless step that has a huge payoff.

Brushing and flossing are the best ways to help prevent cavities, but it’s not always easy to clean every nook and cranny of your teeth – especially those back teeth, the molars. And it can be especially tough for young brushers! Molars are rough, uneven and a favorite place for leftover food and cavity-causing bacteria to hide.

Aside from brushing and flossing, there’s yet another safety net to help keep those teeth clean. It’s called a sealant, a thin, protective coating that adheres to the chewing surface of your back teeth. Sealants are no substitute for brushing and flossing, but they can keep cavities from forming and may even stop early stages of decay from becoming a full-blown cavity.

In fact, sealants have been shown to reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80% in molars. This is especially important when it comes to your child’s dental health. In October 2016, the Centers for Disease Control released a report on the importance of sealants for school-aged children, of which only 43% of children ages 6-11 have. According to the CDC, “school-age children without sealants have almost three times more cavities than children with sealants.”

How Do Sealants Work?
Think of them as raincoats for your teeth. When the cavity-causing bacteria that live in everyone’s mouth meet leftover food particles, they produce acids that can create cavities. After sealants have been applied, they keep those bits of food out and stops bacteria and acid from settling on your teeth—just like a raincoat keeps you clean and dry during a storm.

When to Get Sealants?
Children’s first molars appear around age 6, and second molars break through around age 12. Sealing these teeth as soon as they come through can keep them cavity-free from the start.

How Are Sealants Applied?
It’s a quick and painless process. Dr. Dunne will clean and dry the teeth before placing an acidic gel. This gel roughs up the tooth’s surface so a strong bond will form between the teeth and the sealant. After a few seconds, he will rinse off the gel and dry the teeth once again before applying the sealant onto the grooves of the teeth. He will then use a special blue light to harden the sealant.

Can Sealants Be Placed Over Cavities?
Sealants can be used over areas of early decay to prevent further damage. Because some sealants are clear, Dr. Dunne can keep an eye on the tooth to make sure the sealant is doing its job.

How Long Do Sealants Last?
Sealants will often last for several years before they need to be reapplied. During your regular dental visit, Dr. Dunne will check the condition of the sealant and can reapply them as needed.

Are Sealants Safe?
Yes! Full disclosure, there is a tiny amount of BPA in sealants BUT not enough to cause you or a loved one any harm. In fact, you get more exposure to BPA by simply touching a receipt, using cosmetics or coming in contact with dust.



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